Coldwell Banker Durango Area Real Estate Blog

Second Quarter La Plata County Stats

Inventory Crunch
Posted by Inactive Heather Erb on July 19, 2018 in  Buying a Home  Durango Homes  Durango Real Estate Market  Real Estate Market  Selling a Home
The second quarter and year to date real estate statistics for La Plata County show we are experiencing an inventory crunch.  Compared to last year at this time, the inventory of listings is down; - 3.4% for single family homes and -3.3% for condos/townhomes.  Because of this reduction, the number of home sales is down -18% in-town Durango, over -30% in Bayfield, and -4.5% overall for the County.  Median price increases continue, partially because of the crunch, and stand at 6.4%, or $385,0... Readmore
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