Coldwell Banker Durango Area Real Estate Blog

2018 Year End La Plata County Statistics

Strength in the Numbers
Posted by Inactive Heather Erb on January 21, 2019 in  Buying a Home  Durango Homes  Durango Real Estate Market  Luxury Properties  Real Estate Market  Selling a Home
The 2018 MLS statistics for La Plata County were just released and they show strength in our local real estate market.  Overall, La Plata County home sales are down 3.1% while the median price rose 5.7%.  As all real estate is local, areas of the county with the highest median price gains are where the number of sales was reduced the most; areas of low inventory have the highest price increase. For example, in-town Durango home sales are down 3.2% in number but jumped 8.5% in median.  While Durango C... Readmore
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