Coldwell Banker Durango Area Real Estate Blog

Hope Is on the Horizon for Today’s Housing Shortage

Posted by Inactive Carrie Di Pilato on June 29, 2021 in  uncategorized
The major challenge in today’s housing market is that there are more buyers looking to purchase than there are homes available to buy. Simply put, supply can’t keep up with demand. A normal market has a 6-month supply of homes for sale. Anything over that indicates it’s a buyers’ market, but an inventory level below that threshold means we’re in a sellers’ market. Today’s inventory level sits far below the norm. According to the Existing Home Sales Report fro... Readmore

5 Things Homebuyers Need To Know When Making an Offer

Posted by Inactive Carrie Di Pilato on June 28, 2021 in  uncategorized
When it comes to buying a house, you’re looking for the perfect place to call home. The problem is, in today’s market there just aren’t that many homes available to purchase. With inventory hovering near record lows and sky-high buyer demand, a multi-offer scenario is the new normal. Here are five things to keep in mind when you’re ready to make an offer. 1. Know Your Numbers Having a complete understanding of your budget and how much house you can afford is essentia... Readmore

What’s Motivating People To Move Right Now?

Posted by Inactive Carrie Di Pilato on June 22, 2021 in  uncategorized
This year, Americans are moving for a variety of reasons. The health crisis has truly reshaped our lifestyles and our needs. Spending so much more time in our current homes has driven many people to reconsider what homeownership means and what they find most valuable in their living spaces. According to the 2020 Annual National Movers Study: “For customers who cited COVID-19 as an influence on their move in 2020, the top reasons associated with COVID-19 were concerns for personal and family health and w... Readmore

6 Reasons to Celebrate National Homeownership Month

Posted by Inactive Carrie Di Pilato on June 16, 2021 in  uncategorized
Our homes are so much more than the houses we live in. For many, they’ve also become our workplaces, schools for our children, and safe harbors in which we’ve weathered the toughest moments of a global pandemic. Today, 65.6% of Americans call their homes their own, a rate that has risen to its highest point in 8 years. As National Homeownership Month kicks off this June, homeowners have every reason to celebrate. A survey by Gallup just ranked real estate as the best investment&... Readmore

How Misunderstandings About Affordability Could Cost You

Posted by Cassidy Jimerson on June 07, 2021 in  uncategorized
There’s a lot of discussion about affordability as home prices continue to appreciate rapidly. Even though the most recent index on affordability from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shows homes are more affordable today than the historical average, some still have concerns about whether or not it’s truly affordable to buy a home right now. When addressing this topic, there are various measures of affordability to consider. However, very few of the indexes compare the affordabi... Readmore
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