Coldwell Banker Durango Area Real Estate Blog

Is a 20% Down Payment Really Necessary To Purchase a Home

By KCM Team
Posted by Inactive Shanna Shepherd on September 27, 2021 in  uncategorized
There’s a common misconception that, as a homebuyer, you need to come up with 20% of the total sale price for your down payment. In fact, a recent survey by Lending Tree asks what is keeping consumers from purchasing a home. For over half of those surveyed, the ability to afford a down payment is the biggest hurdle. That may be because those individuals assume a 20% down payment is necessary. While putting more money down if you’re able can benefit buyers, putting 20% down ... Readmore

It's a Durango Life

What it's like to live in the best mountain town in the Southwest
Posted by Sam Vickery on March 01, 2021 in  1st time buyer  Durango Real Estate Market
You might think that life in Durango is defined by every person spending all their free time, you know, when they’re not working one of their three jobs to afford living here, hiking, biking, hitting the slopes, or jumping in the river. In reality, that’s not all there is to life as a Durangoan, or Durangotang, as we are more commonly known locally. Durango is full of people with a variety of interests, both indoor and outdoor, and it is possible to live affordably here.  As much as I love the out... Readmore

4 Investments Worth Making in Your First Home

Posted by Ed Mueck on December 19, 2019 in  uncategorized
In today’s post, we’re offering some advice for first-time homeowners on areas where spending a little bit more is likely to pay off in the long-run. From valuable aesthetic updates in key areas such as the kitchen, bathroom and living room to installing smart heating systems and insulation to prioritize energy efficiency, our tips will leave you inspired to make the most out of your first home update. Replace flooring Flooring has the power to change a room entirely, so it should go without saying that... Readmore
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